EuViz 2014 Agenda*

* subject to modifications

Pre-Conference, Tuesday July 22 (nhow Hotel)

  • 8:00am – 7:00pm Registration (Pre-Conference and EuViz 2014 Conference)
  • 9:00am – 5:00/5.30pm Pre-Conference Workshops
  • 6:00pm Informal Reception EuViz 2014

Conference, Wednesday July 23 – Friday July 25 (nhow Hotel)

Discovering Patterns

Day 1

Wednesday, 23 July


8:30am Registration & Coffee

8:30am IFVP New Member Orientation

10:00am Welcome to EuViz 2014! (PLENARY)

10:40am Beginning to Connect the Dots:
Getting to Know Each Other – An extraordinary World Café with Mary-Alice Arthur (PLENARY)

12:30pm Coming into Deeper Dialogue: Introducing the Tracks & Track Hosts

12:45pm Lunch

2:30pm EuViz-Tracks (Part One): What is Emerging in the Field of …


The EuViz-Tracks provide opportunities for mutual exploration and dialogue and will be facilitated by track-hosts & co-hosts.

5:00pm Connecting the Dots of the Day: Harvesting highlights, group insights & community news with Mary Alice-Arthur (PLENARY)

6:00pm End of Day 1

For IFVP members::
7:30pm Annual General Meeting Dinner (nhow Terrace)

Expanding Views

Day 2

Thursday, 24 July

8:30am Arriving & Coffee

9:00am Expanding the Practice:
Sessions (Part One): 90 mins/180 mins

10:30am  Coffee Break

11:00am  Expanding the Practice:
Sessions (Part Two): 90 minutes

12:30pm Lunch

2:00pm A Conversation with David Sibbet & the Elders (PLENARY)

3:30pm Coffee Break

4:00pm Sharing Our Stories: An opportunity to expand our view of our practice/community with Mary-Alice Arthur (PLENARY)

5:45pm Connecting the Dots of the Day: Harvesting highlights & community news with Mary Alice-Arthur (PLENARY)

6:00pm End of Day 2

Evening program*
6:30pm Barbecue (Terrace)

7:45pm Guided 15-min walk to boat landing dock

8:15pm Boat casts off (O2 World)

* Additional tickets for your spouses/kids/friends can be purchased at the EuViz 2014 desk in the lobby. (Please note: We can only accept cash, no accept debit/credit card. Currency: EURO)

Exploring Possibilities

Day 3

Friday, 25 July

8:30am EuViz-Tracks (Part Two): Exploring possibilities in the Field of …


The EuViz-Tracks provide opportunities for mutual exploration and dialogue and will be facilitated by track-hosts & co-hosts.

10:15am Exploring Possibilities Together: Discovering new ideas and potential collaborations
An Open Space with Holger Scholz & Roswitha Vesper and inspiration from the Tracks (PLENARY)

12:15pm – 13:15pm Open Space: Session 1

1:15pm Open Space Lunch

1:45pm – 2:45pm Open Space: Session 2

2:45pm Bio-Break

3:00pm Connecting the Dots of the Day: Harvesting highlights & group insights with Mary-Alice Arthur (PLENARY)

4:00pm Reviewing the Journey: Synthesis & Closing with Brandy Agerbeck (PLENARY)

5:00pm EuViz 2014 concludes (PLENARY)

* subject to modifications

A deeper look at our agenda:

We’ve thought deeply about how to Connect the Dots.  We want to create a mix of skill-building workshops, deep thematic dialogues and enough time to weave our community and share our practice.  You’ll notice we start with getting to know each other — a time to get closer to old friends and make new ones.  We’ve cast the net wide, and you’ll find a diversity of people attending EuViz 2014 – be prepared to be surprised!

Wednesday Day 1 is about Discovering Patterns.  On the afternoon of Day 1 we introduce a series of deep dialogues we’re calling “Tracks”.  The Tracks“ offer an opportunity to choose the theme of your choice and get into conversation with others.  Tracks are offered on Wednesday Day 1 and Friday Day 3, and will be the bookends of our learning together.

Thursday Day 2 is about Expanding Views.  Workshops offer an opportunity to get  hands on and practical with skills, methods and practice.  There will be both 90 minute and 180 minute workshops. In the afternoon of Thursday Day 2 we dive into our practice stories. We’ll start by hearing from a legend in the field, David Sibbet.  We’ll hear about David’s journey and where he finds the edge in his own practice. Then we’ll all share stories and have the opportunity to witness and learn from each other.

On Thursday Day 2 evening we will be expanding views even more…   By boat we will be exploring bustling Berlin and its special charme. Talking about special charme – Thursday nights barbecue will introduce you to unique taste of a German Bratwurst or Currywurst. When in Berlin you cannot miss that. We hope for spouses to join us.

On Friday Day 3 we focus on Exploring Possibilities. We’ll go back to the Tracks and take a second look at our themes. You’ll have the opportunity to stay with the same Track or choose a new one. Next everyone gets the chance to propose the next session — that’s what Open Space is all about. Some Track participants might want to stay together and keep talking.  Some workshop participants might want to take their skill building further. Or maybe you’ve come to EuViz 2014 with a burning question or a piece of work you want input on — this is the place!  And finally, we’ll bring it all together with a group synthesis session reviewing our journey together.

We can’t wait to see you there!